

Cases per 100,000 people by district for locally acquired covid cases in Taiwan

time period:01/01/2021 to 05/25/2021 @ 5am

## tmap mode set to interactive viewing

For more Taiwanese covid maps and commentary about Taiwan’s current outbreak 更多台灣疫情相關的地圖與評論可以參考 :



  1. This map shows the number of cases per 100,000 people for each district from 01/01/2021 to 05/25/2021 at 5AM 本地圖顯示今年初迄05/25/2021上午5點 的各鄉鎮市區每十萬人口的本土個案

    本土個案數據來源 Data source for case numbers: https://nidss.cdc.gov.tw/nndss/DiseaseMap?id=19CoV

  2. Population data is from 2017. 人口為106年的人口

    Population data source人口數據來源: https://data.gov.tw/dataset/8410

  3. The code and data used to make this map is available at 這張地圖的程式碼以及數據在: https://github.com/TulipsforTaiwan/TaiwanCovid

  4. Color scale is non-continuous, Wanhua has 4-5 times more cases per 100,000 people than any other township in Taiwan. 要有一點小心看顏色,萬華的每十萬人口的個案比其他的鄉鎮市區高4-5倍